Welcome to The Acting Class

The acting class is a blog that teaches you acting tips and more ideas about your talent, the acting benefits, how to train, practice & develop, looking for acting jobs, agencies & companies, auditioning and finally landing acting roles in stage, movie, play etc.

Here, you can find lessons from start to finish in acting. Beginning with how to start your acting career. We recognize of course the importance of taking acting classes, be it on a real acting school or through online workshops.

In the mean time, browse through our comprehensive articles that'll guide you to the wonderful world of acting.

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Defenition and Explanation - Brights Eyes Acting Method

If you’re looking for the exact term, bright eyes method acting, you’re either looking for a way to have bright eyes as a method acting technique or you’re interested in finding the meaning behind the song Bright Eyes by the band Method Acting. Both will be discussed here.

Bright Eyes as a Method Acting Technique
When an actor has to perform method acting, he’s asked to reproduce all possible aspects of the character he’s playing to render the most realistic presentation. People often think there’s only one way to do method acting, but there are actually no official rules on how to achieve it. Instead, they may have assumed that method acting and the Method that acting professor Lee Strasberg pioneered is one and the same.

For Lee Strasberg, the only way to give a realistic performance is by using the actors personal experiences as a way of relating to his character. That’s one way to do method acting, but there are other techniques and as long as what you do works then that would be probably be good enough for most directors.

Many known actors have been under Strasberg’s tutelage and some of them were Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, Al Pacino, and Dustin Hoffman.

Sometimes, characters are described as having bright eyes. This can mean different things. Bright eyes could indicate happiness, optimism, or having actual tears in your eyes. Its important to understand why your character has bright eyes before your own eyes start shining as well.

Understanding your character is the best way to achieve method acting. You don’t have to like your character, but you do need to understand his GMC or goals, motivation, and conflict. Knowing his background would help a lot. If your scriptwriter can’t supply you with an extensive background then you can create one for your character.

If you’re portraying a real-life character, talking to the person you’re portraying would definitely help. If that persons dead, talk to the people closest to your character. Its all about connecting with your role.

Bright Eyes by Method Acting
When you hear the song Bright Eyes by Method Acting, its easy to think that its all about people seeking meaning to life. With all the violence going on around us, its not surprising when someone gets confused and wonders about the pointlessness to life.

But if you try reading the lyrics several times, you’ll see that although the meaning of life is indeed the main topic, it isn’t the message the band wishes to share. In the end, they’re urging people to also continue living and moving on.

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